How are data, photos, and other files securely submitted?

When eXpress badging® is engaged to print ID badges for customers or assist them in setting up Veonics® Portal Accounts, it may require the customer to submit project files securely. Here is our process.

The Three Processes for Submitting Data and Photos:

  1. Using our Upload Center on our website
    1. Our Upload Center is powered by Citrix's ShareFile file-sharing and storage tool configured for uploading, storing, and sharing files with eXpress badging when printing photo ID badges under engagement.
  2. Logging into our Veonics Portal and creating Card Records either manually, import, or automated data integration
    1. The Veonics Portal is a cloud-based platform eXpress badging provides access to, guaranteeing customers secured user access, and their data (data and photos) is secured using HTTPS protocols and encryption at rest AWS servers.
    2. Only authorized eXpress badging and CUSTOMER users can access the Veonics Portal with valid usernames, passwords, and assigned user rights.
    3. All Veonics Portal users must accept and periodically update the Veonics Portal ULA (user license agreement) following the portal's terms.
  3. Using the Veonics Portal CELLfie feature
    1. Customers who need to acquire new photos and ensure that their Card Record data is accurate before it is printed on their ID badge can use the Veonics Portal to email their cardholders. They can request a new photo from the cardholder and, if enabled, confirm and even update their data.
    2. This process uses a tokenized URL that is single-use and can not be reused by the recipient after activating.  
      1. CELLfie HOLDER Process Instructions
      2. CELLfie HOLDER Privacy Statment
*** NEVER SEND DATA VIA EMAIL,  NEVER!  All files will be rejected! ***