What is the correct way to Post Orders for printing in the Veonics® Portal?

Learn how to correctly use the Post Order feature. Most importantly - the badge record must be in an Approved state, otherwise it will not be printed after we receive the order.

Table of Contents:

The Post Order Process

When using the Post Order button, all you are doing is generating an email that tells eXpress badging's Production Department your Organization has Approved badge records to print. Once we get to printing your Post Order request, we will print ALL badges that are in an Approved state.  After printing, they will be in a Printed state.

Step 1: Create and Approve records for printing

  • Create New records and place them in an Approved state.  This means both record status is approved and photo status is accepted with green check icons. 
    • For existing records, from the Record Manager
      • Search a field to look up an existing New or Printed record,
      • Select the ID hyperlink, and if the record needs editing, select the Edit icon, make changes, then select the Save/Approve icon to place records in an Approved state.
      • If the record requires no edits, simply select the Approve icon. (For reprints of existing records please see below step 1A)
  • If you need to exit the record and return to edit further, select “Save”
  • After approving a record, you’ll still be able to click "Edit" before printing, if needed
  • When both data and photo are ready, select “Save/Approve” or "Approve" in the upper banner

Step 1A: Existing badges in a Printed state -

  • In single badge record view: Request reprint by clicking "Reprint" icon
      • This will move the badge record from Printed to Approved

(This can also be done on main Record Manager screen by hovering over Batch Action icon and selecting Reprint)

Step 2: Post your badge order to our Production department's order inbox

  • On the main Record Manager page: confirm your requested badge records are displaying a green check mark in the “Status” and “Photos” columns
    • Consider these records to be Approved for printing
  • In the record Manager, select the “Post Order” icon
    • Provide additional instructions if necessary, then click OK

*The Veonics system prefers all records to be associated with approved photos. If you see warning messages about photo issues, it may be referring to old records without photos or other minor issues that will not affect your current order.

  • After clicking OK, eXpress badging receives your Post Order notification
  • You will also receive your confirmation of Post Order at the same moment. Please keep this email available for your reference later, if necessary.
  • We will review your order and print all Approved records within 1-3 business days



Helpful Tips

  • The Post Order button only sends an email to our Production department and places your order in the queue. It may not correctly generate an order for reprints of existing badges in some cases.
  • The Post Order button does not change the status of a badge record.
  • You only need to click Post Order once per badge order shipment.
  • When your order is pulled for printing, we will print all “Approved” records for printing, even if approved after Post Order is sent or if approved by other users.
  • Once printed, you see the “Approved” status change to “Printed.” This means they have shipped the same day or the next. The Date field will show which day it was printed.