What is Record Setup, and how is it used?

When creating an ID management system, certain fields and their properties need to be assigned to an Organization allowing the printing of merged ID badge data and photos. This information is only available to authorized users.

Record Setup

This feature is used to segment data from each Organization and is a layer of security protecting others from seeing authorized data and photos. Most customers will never use this feature, as it is used during account setup.

The Record Setup is usually the next step after creating an Organization when adding Parent and Child customers to the Veonics® Portal. The Record Setup exists as a backbone, defining the user's data, and will be integral to how the customers interact with the Veonics Portal. In the Record Setup, the Admin User will decide on the fields the customer will see in the data entry screen, and add the field properties on how these fields interact in the customer's view of the Veonics Portal. 

New or View

If there are existing Record Setups assigned to an Organization, they will be listed in the Record Setup tab. It is best to create a New default Record Setup that meets the exact needs of each Record Setup per Organization.  To accomplish this, design one DEFAULT setup from scratch with all the fields and properties defined. Save as "ABC_DEFAULT".  Then to create an assignable Record Setup, select the ABC_DEFAULT  as a starting template for all others by selecting the View button, then the "Clone" icon, then saving as a new name: "ABC_Employee", ABC_Student", ABC_Contractor". Once you are in the Cloned Record Setup. Saving your changes regularly will be your friend so don’t forget to save often. 

Adding Fields

Regardless of which option is chosen (New or View) the Fields bar is displayed. The buttons on the bar will only light up when the option becomes available.

If New, type in a functional Name; ABC Employee, ABC_Orlando, ABC_Visitor..., then place your cursor in the Organization drop-down field and start typing the associated Organization name until you see it. Then select the associated radio button, and then select anywhere outside the drop-down in the page white area. Select Save at this point.

For now, let's add a new field. Once you click on the add button, you will be given a new window with fields to choose from. Any of the fields in this new window can be selected and used as needed. The symbols next to the fields will show you information if you mouse over them. 
There will already be some default fields selected so go ahead and add any new fields you need then click on “Ok”. The Default Options will be next so click on the edit button and fill out the options as needed. 


Once a new field has been added you can now Edit the field. Select the field and then hit the edit button to get the image below. You will have a few options to pick through that affect how the fields will show and interact in the card group.

  • The Caption is how the field is identified to the user (defaults to the field name).
    • Use Caption to give the field a functional name, if needed' Caption=Type, when Alias (do not change) = badge_type.
    • Alias is how the field is identified within the system 
      • Must not be a reserved word, such as “badge_id”, “photo_status”, etc.
      • Must contain at least one letter, and must contain only letters, numbers, and underscores
        • Recommended: use only lowercase, and adopt a convention for commonly-used fields in order to allow the reuse of vID™ designs
      • Must be unique for the card group design
      • This is critical for the correct operation of Veonics Virtual ID, Credential Database, and the Print Queue Manager
  • Visibility defines the ability for others to see the data based on user rights. 
    • Public: available to anyone, even when not logged in, such as when viewing a Virtual ID or verifying a photo
    • Normal: available to any authenticated user with access to this record
    • Management Tier 1 and 2: available to authenticated users with specific permission to view these tiers
    • Private: available only to authenticated users with permission to view private data
      • Access to these fields must be specifically requested and gets logged, in order to comply with PII requirements
  • Critical field
    • Up to 10 field combinations may be declared as critical identifiers
    • When importing data, imported records will be tested against existing data matching any of the critical identifiers
      • If a match is found, the record is overwritten
      • If a match is not found, a new record is created
    • Make sure that the field combination is guaranteed to be unique
      • For instance, if both “first name” and “last name” are marked as being critical identifier #1, then a single record for “John Doe” will be kept, but in practice, it is possible that there is more than one, so homonyms would overwrite each other
      • When in doubt, reserve critical identifiers for codes assigned by other systems, such as employee numbers, card numbers, license tag numbers, or any other numeric value which are known to be unique per record
  • Display on List
    • This means the field name will display as a column in the Record header
    • Reserve for fields frequently used to identify the card, such as names and employee ID
    • Too many columns will overflow the screen width and hurt the load time performance
  • Search enabled on this field
    • This means a search box will be provided on the left pane to enable searching for this field
    • As a rule of thumb, all fields marked for display on list should also enable search
  • Required
    • Be careful with this: the Portal will not allow saving on a record if there is a field marked as required but with no data
  • Editable anytime
    • When selected, even after a record is approved, these fields can be updated and saved by authorized users. 
      • Common fields include: Last Name, Preferred First Name, Title, Department, Location and Credentials
    • This feature is not recommended when issuing both a printed ID and a Virtual ID
      • Selected the Reissue icon creating a new record that is printed matching the Virtual ID
  • Editable by user (CELLfie)
    • When selected, the data in this field will be overwritten, if a Veonics CELLife recipient, edits the field. 
    • Common Fields that are selected as Editible are: Preferred First Name, Title, mail to address line one and two, city, state, and Zip
    • A field name can be a question.
      •  Is your badge information corrected (type yes or no)
      • Comments (state issues)
      • Have you received your mail badge (type yes or no) 
  • Hide in CELLfie
    • Mark any field that should be hidden when a CELLfie™ is viewed
    • Common Fields that are selected are RFID/Card numbers, employee numbers, or any field that is considered private at the public view level.
    • When checked, the user is given a selection of the catalog to draw values from
    • When editing, the user will get a dropdown to choose only from the values specified in the catalog
    • When viewing, the user will get both the code and the label for the selected value
    • Catalogs can not be used in CELLfie Editable view modeChoose from Catalog
  • Generated  Sequencing
    • Some fields may be configured to allow the Portal to automatically generate a value, instead of allowing user input
    • This is an advanced, experimental feature
  • Currently, two-generation algorithms
    • Sequence
      • The value is assigned as the next integer in the specified sequence, according to the specified pattern
      • A  static prefix or suffix can be added
    • Barcode
      • A pseudo-random alphanumeric code of the specified length is generated, suitable for use as a Code-128 barcode
    • Length
      • Available for text fields only, used to determine the relative size of the control used to enter data


    Once the Fields list has been created and looks good, make sure the order entry is logical by manually moving them using the Up and Down icons.

    Sample order:

    1. Badge Type
    2. First
    3. Last
    4. Professional Credential
    5. Title
    6. Department
    7. Location
    8. Card Number
    9. Employee Number
    10. Lost Card Count
    11. Photo
    12. Issue Date
    13. Expiry Date
    14. Escort Required