Print badges using the Print button in Record Manager or from single record view. This method is fine for smaller jobs (1-10) but will not be efficient for large prints. NOTE: If you are encoding a card you still must use the VPQM
How to use the Print button (for a single print)
- Create and approve your badge records
- In Record Manager - Click
to begin creating new badge
- Enter all badge holder information
- Click Save
- Click Approve
- Click Print
- In Record Manager - Click
- The record must be in an Approved status to be able to print
- The Print Preview will open after clicking Print on Approved record
- Ensure the correct printer is selected with the correct options and click Print
- The badge will now be printed.
How to use the Print button to print more than 1 badge
- Create and approve your badge records
- In Record Manager - Click
to begin creating new badge
- Enter all badge holder information
- Click Save
- Click Approve
- (Repeat for multiple badges)
- Click
to return to Record Manager when finished
- In Record Manager - Click
- Sort by Approved records
- Select the checkbox for the badge(s) to print
- Badge records must be in an Approved status to be able to print
- Click
- Badges will print in the order they were created (ascending Veonics ID number)
- Double sided printing must be selected, or each side will print on 2 separate cards
- Click
How to print records that have been printed (Printed status)
Single record -
- Search for Printed record,
- If badge record needs editing -
- Click the ID number hyperlink to open record
- Click Edit to make changes,
- Click Save
- Click
to place records in an Approved status.
- Click
Re-approving multiple records at one time -
- (Assuming all necessary edits have been made)
- In Record Manager - search for Printed records and select multiple via the checkbox
- Under Batch Action tab, click Reprint
- Badge records will change to Approved status
- Click