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How to securely transfer ID badge project files using the Upload Center?

Never email any PII-sensitive ID badge data or photos. Always use the eXpress badging Upload Center found on our website.

Not only is the Upload Center a secure files transfer tool, but it is a communication tool. We suggest that it is better to over-communicate than not add any "Comments" at all.

In today's office environment, cybersecurity is front and center regarding the data we process and share. Always use our Upload Center for source data and photo files. eXpress badging will not accept any PII-sensitive files via email and will reject any that are sent.

Typical File Types:

  • Excel Sheets
    • .xlsx | Excel Workbook
    • . csv | Comma-delimited
  • Photo Files
    • .jpg and .png only
    • Ideally all with the same aspect ratio, unless paying for photo cropping 
      • 1:1 Width / Height for square photos
      • 4:5 Width / Height for rectangular photos
  • Badge design Artwork files
    • .jpg, .png, .pdf, .psd in Windows format

Step 1: Go to the Upload Center 

  • https://expressbadging.com/file-upload-id-badging/

Step 2: Complete the Form

  • upload_center
  • Please use the Comments line to let our team know any specifics about your project and files

Step 3: Drag and Drop, or Browse and Attach your files

  • You can use WinZip to compress your photo files and go ahead and include your export file of data

Step 4: Select Upload

  • Your files are securely saved on an encrypted file-share server
  • A notification is emailed to an eXpress badging Production team member for processing
  • If there are any issues with the files provided our Production team member will reach out to the contact placed on the form