How do you delete Records

Once a Veonics Portal record is created and no longer is relevant, it should be deleted to limit personally identifiable information (PII) exposure and liability.

Deleting Card Records in the Statuses of Printed, Approved, and New;

  1. Filter by Printed Status
  2. Use the checkbox under Show on the Record Manager screen's left side (on the Record's toolbar mid-screen) to select all Printed records.
  3. After completing the above task, if necessary, individually unselect any records that should not be marked as Approved; that will eventually be deleted
  4. Select Re-print from Batch Action menu, do not check "Send to queue," and select Start to change records to an Approved Status
  5. After completing the above task, reset the Status filter to Approved. Select all records again. You may need to unselect the box before selecting all. If necessary, individually unselect any records that should not be marked as New; that will eventually be deleted
  6. Select Reopen from the Batch Actions menu and then select Start to change the status of records to New
  7. After completing the above task, reset the Status filter to New. Select all records again. You may need to unselect the box before selecting all.  If necessary, individually unselect any records that should not be Deleted.
  8. Select Delete from the Batch Actions menu and then select Start to Delete all selected records